Can anyone do Pilates?
Yes! Pilates is suitable for all, regardless of age or fitness level. However, it is always sensible to check with your doctor before embarking on a new form of exercise, especially if you have any concerns. As part of an enrolment process, your Pilates teacher will help you to choose the most appropriate way for you to start safely. There are a variety of classes, one will suit you!
Do I need special clothing or equipment?
No! Wear something that is warm and easy to move around in. Close-fitting, stretchy clothing is ideal. Bare-feet or non-slip socks are best. You do not need any equipment, it will be provided.
Will Pilates help me lose weight?
Pilates is not generally a cardio-vascular form of exercise, it is not ‘fat-burning’, and so will not make you lose weight. However, it is an extremely toning and strengthening form of exercise. This means that, in addition to the postural improvements Pilates will bring about, it is likely to help you appear leaner and more toned. Pilates is an ideal form of exercise to combine with something cardio-vascular such as fast walking, running, cycling or swimming.
The Back4Good® Programme includes a ‘Get Active’ plan.
Why do I need to enrol on a course of classes?
Classes are run on a termly basis, usually 6 weeks, and with a maximum of 12 participants in each class. This allows the teaching to be consistent and progressive. Participants who go to ‘ad hoc’ classes, where there is a different group each week, usually get fed-up at the lack of progression as the teacher has to accommodate ‘new starters’ each session.
When will I start to see results?
Most participants notice a difference immediately, usually feeling more ‘stretched’ and ‘relaxed’. By the end of your first course of classes, you should be noticing a difference in how you feel and move. Doing two classes per week is ideal.
How do I maximise results?’
Incorporating the principles into your everyday life will really help. Having an individual session is a perfect way to put together a home programme for you to do between classes.
Can men attend the classes?
Yes and many do! Pilates is not gender-specific – it is suitable for all. Several of our classes have male attenders. Some of these are doing classes to enhance their performance in a chosen sport and are finding Pilates to be really helpful.